Here is what I experienced
Writing consistently helps with improving or strengthening the "Writing muscle"
I completely agree with your statement that it helps to read other's work for some days, respond and gain ideas and inspiration.
By doing so I feel that I am investing time in appreciating my fellow writers creativity.
To bring me to the habit of writing I have done self- motivated 11/21 day writing. When I get curious and attached to making money through the MPP, I rush to write more and read more ( of course that did not give me an energy of expansion)
In order to keep my inspired writing going I have adapted the following strategy
Read at least one article of the person who followed
Give a shout-out to the writer of the article in my article.
Just listen to my intuition. Pour me thoughts as a draft. Sometimes I complete and publish the draft the same day. Sometimes later.
Publishing the same day makes me feel accomplished.
I consider writing as a resource or skill that I should keep loving and use it with flow energy
create situations of burnout .
Loved your article.
Thank you