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Ten Amazing Life Lessons Learned From Podcasting
Thank you for giving your time and attention to read this article. Before you continue I recommend you read the first three related articles:
Ten Benefits Derived From Hosting My Podcast
Ten Ways Learning A New Skill Contributed To My Personal Development
Ten Benefits Derived From My Podcast Listener’s Observation
Here are the Ten Life Lessons:
- Gave me an opportunity to share my wisdom from Summarizing an Online Course "Science Of Wellbeing" that I took in
2. Helped me give myself permission to distill the contents of my learning from the above class to an acronym E-Exercice, G-Giving, G-Growth Mindset, S-Social Connection, T-Time Affluence, E-Enjoy Every Moment, M-Meditation and create a mental model to live by.
3. As expressed and encouraged by my listeners in Episode 4 ( Day 4- 21 Days Of Exploring Your Magnificent Well being, new acronym EGGSTEM introduced.) I was able to talk about the EGGSTEM model.
4. Realized from the listeners Episode 12 ( Day 12- 21 Days Of Exploring Your Magnificent Self. EGGSTEM Letter E Exercise Explored And Explained ) that I am able to help…