Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings by writing them out
If I may, I would like to make these suggestions
I am also introverted and have migrated to another country. I completed understand your sentiments.
Based upon my own experience of handling challenging events I have realized that
I must be the change that I want to see
You want to feel cared by someone. Just select two contacts from your group and ask randomly
How are you doing? It is long since I connected with you.
See how the response feels for you and create deeper relationships
It is not that no one cares. Sometimes we don't want to be vulnerable and feel exposed. Sometimes people are shy and don't know how to approach a sick person
I am not justifying anyone's actions but helping you and me to be open to different perspectives.
Also call your dear friend and say
Hey....I am going through this challenge. I don't need you to come and visit me but I just want you to hear me out. Can you spare me 10 mins over the phone?
When we ask specifically people are willing to help