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Daily Prompt: Day 14: Write a haiku. Read here for instructions. Check your syllables here.

This Is What Happened When I Was Filling the Need to Be Perfect

I opted to complete Vs Perfection

Lalitha Brahma


Picture of purple crotons plant
Photo by megan ✌🏼 on Unsplash

I tried my best to follow the Haiku rules of 5–7–5 syllables.

I was intending to create a Haiku poem about today’s walking experience. I realized that the part of copy-paste activity to check my syllable count was draining my energy. However, the part about creating a Haiku poem was entertaining. Nevertheless, actually I want to fill my need for completion within my stipulated time instead of being too perfect. The syllable count in a couple of phrases is messed up.

Here is my Imperfect Haiku Poem…

As I start walking

My curious Brain said to

Listen to two new audios

My heart sneaked into

Ask for calm soothing audio

My Brain searched loyally

Yay! Walking Meditation

My cute heart agreed

Both brain and heart Enjoyed it



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