Very well written. Your Writing, analysis of your experience i. Few of the coaching questions that has helped me are as follows:
Why I am doing what I am doing? I ask this for mundane every day tasks. It has helped me make clear decisions by incising what I don't want to to
What is it that I am holding on to, that is neither serving me or my purpose as of my current situation?
It allows me to go inward and brutally answer in each domain like Body, Mind and Emotion.
What is the one thing I can let go today?
It helps me practice letting go of material things
What is the one activity I can let go?
It helps me become of aware of my unproductive activity and let go.
What is the one thought that creates uncomfortable bodily sensation and limiting me to doing the things that will help me complete the task I set intention to?
It helps me clear my limiting beliefs