Member-only story
Daily Prompt: Day 28: If given the choice, which time period (past, present, or future) would you like to live in and why?
We Never Value This Gift
The Gift of the Present Moment
In my understanding and personal experience, the Past is History, the Present is a Gift (Present) and the Future is a Mystery.
“A gift consists not in what is done or given, but in the intention of the giver or doer.”
― Seneca, Moral Essays: Volume III
Why and How would I use this Gift?
I would just look at the past like looking at the Rearview mirror in my car to back up and for lane changes ( Past-use History as Warning and Learning Experience) for a few seconds, only to drive forward always using the Present Gift.
Now after setting an intention to drive forward ( Future- Use Mystery to remind me that it is Unknown and Unexplainable) to my destination, I will use Gifts of the Present moment in the following ways creatively:
Right now, breathe deeply.
Right now, use my five senses available to me instead of crying over the past or worrying about my future.